Feed Clients

Feed Clients

Script for installing Feed Clients

Decoder (such as dump1090 or readsb) must be installed.

1. Find coordinates / elevation

FreeMapTools (opens in a new tab)

2. Install the Feed Clients

curl -L -o /tmp/ezz456ch-feed.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ezz456CH/adsb-feedclient/master/install.sh
sudo bash /tmp/ezz456ch-feed.sh

3. Check your feed status (Optional :3)

3.1 With API

curl https://api.ezz456ch.xyz/api/stats | json_pp

3.2 View at https://adsb.ezz456ch.xyz (opens in a new tab)

3.3 View at MLAT Coverage Map https://adsb.ezz456ch.xyz/mlat-map/ (opens in a new tab)

3.4 Check the status of Feed Clients

sudo systemctl status ezz456ch-feed
sudo systemctl status ezz456ch-mlat

Helpful Information

Update the feed client without reconfiguring

curl -L -o /tmp/ezz456ch-update.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ezz456CH/adsb-feedclient/master/update.sh
sudo bash /tmp/ezz456ch-update.sh

Reconfigure the client without reinstalling

sudo nano /etc/default/ezz456ch

After configuring, don't forget to restart the Feed Clients!

sudo systemctl restart ezz456ch-feed
sudo systemctl restart ezz456ch-mlat

Uninstall Feed Clients

sudo bash /usr/local/share/ezz456ch/uninstall.sh